
Tea-time Stories


You are unlimited.
Give forgiveness; that is your greatness.
Empty yourself and let the universe fill you.
Love is an infinite victory.

Forgive the universe and let the greatness fill you.
You are the love.
Give unlimited love. 
You are the universe.
Victory is empty.
Let forgiveness fill you.
Victory is great(ness).
Give empty love.

Unfold Your Inner Spectacles! | A Workshop Begins Tomorrow in Turku

In the program of XS Vol.7 – Festival for New Dance and Performance!

Workshop at Kutomo
Sat 21.11. at 10 am – 6 pm | Sun 22.11. at 12 pm – 4 pm

KOKIMO’s Inner Spectacles workshop activates the inner auditoriums of the mind and sensitizes the relation to the surrounding space and situation. The two-day workshop ends to a public demonstration presented together with the participants and KOKIMO artists. The workshop is free of charge and open for all over 18-year-olds, and maximum to 10 participants. The workshop happens both indoors and outdoors.

Concept and direction: KOKIMO
Production: Ehkä-production, KOKIMO



Photo | KOKIMO

KOKIMO Workshop at Ehkä-production’s Annual XS Festival in Turku

Sat 21.11. at 10 am – 6 pm & Sun 22.11. at 12 pm – 4 pm
The workshop is for all over 18-year-olds and maximum to 10 participants. No participation fee.
Ticket reservations, workshop registrations and inquiries: ehkatuotanto(at)

XS Vol.7 – Festival for New Dance and Performance 27–28 November 2015 is produced by Ehkä-production. The festival is supported by the Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland.

Contemporary art space Kutomo | Kalastajankatu 1 B | 20100 Turku
Bus 1 Market place – Harbour, Veistämöntori station or bus 12 Market place – Härkämäki, Annankatu station

XS Vol.7 – Festival for New Dance and Performance